About Me

Hey everyone,
Thanks for visiting. My name is Ben Norris. I’m a copywriter and digital marketing strategist by trade. Up until somewhat recently, I worked in the journalism industry as a stringer for the Agence France Presse and national news producer for iHeartMedia’s 24/7 News Source.
I’ve always wanted to write about something I’m passionate about and that helps contribute to the outdoor community here in Arizona and beyond. This is my attempt to do just that.
I’m not by any means the most experienced or knowledgeable backpacker out there, but I love to write and I love getting out there and exploring the great Southwest.
Hopefully, this blog will inspire some of you to experience the amazing Arizona backcountry for yourself or introduce you to some cool trips you didn’t know about. Maybe it will motivate you to give me some pointers when I’m busted doing something dumb. Either way, I’m glad you’re here.
Thanks again for stopping by!